2023 Giving & Expenses
Expenses in May do not include the Closing Costs and other expenses related to the sale of 4 of our 14 acres on Harlem Road
2023 Giving vs Prior Year
NOTE: In June 2022 we received a donation in the amount of $27,083 that was made in error and intended for a different church. We refunded this donation in July. As such, June giving is overstated, and July is understated by this amount.
Property Debt
Property Debt:
The property at 2403 Harlem Rd is our only Long Term Debt. The graph above shows the present principle value of our mortgage.
The drop in 2023 includes a large payment from the sale of 4 of our 14 acres.
Expenses by Category (YTD)
Salaries & Benefits: Ministry Staff Salaries, Payroll Taxes, Health Benefits…
Ministry: Curriculum, Supplies, Ministry Salaries & Outsourcing Expenses, Ministry Instruments & Equipment, Events…
Operations: Equipment & Maintenance, Utilities, Accounting & Banking, Insurance, Computer Hardware, Web Services…
Missions & Benevolence: Church Plants, Missionaries, Support of Non-Profits, Event Scholarships, Counseling Support…
Savings, Debt & Property: Savings, Mortgage, Rent, Construction Costs, HOA, Storage…
Finance Team
Diego Armendariz
Executive Pastor
Austin Cox
Michael Huddleston
Denise Stark
Thank you for your generosity! At Crossbridge, we believe that generosity is a key mark of a Christ Follower. As we grow in our relationship with God, we grow in our generosity to His mission and purposes as well. At Crossbridge, we believe God has called us to honor Him by making growing followers of Jesus Christ. Each time you give, you are helping to further that mission both in your own life and in the lives of others as well!
In 2020 we purchased and forgave $1,901,396.88 in medical debt held by 688 Fort Bend residents who’s income is below 2X the Federal Poverty Level. We are able to exponentially multiply the impact of our dollars by purchasing this debt for pennies on the dollar.
In order to purchase this $1.9m in debt we spent $14,000. This is a huge return on our dollars and a meaningful impact to so many vulnerable families in our community.
At Crossbridge we believe in BOLD TRANSPARENCY and TENACIOUS ACCOUNTABILITY. This means that we ask anyone that regularly attends Crossbridge to demonstrate the courage it takes to engage in CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE. We wish for Crossbridge to be a place where “iron sharpens iron”. A place where we seek the good of those arounds us, even through potentially uncomfortable conversations when necessary. We know this can be accomplished through genuine, open, direct and respectful communication.
At Crossbridge we have 5 points of financial accountability:
1) ELDER OVERSIGHT: The Elders of Crossbridge provide oversight and guidance for the direction of the church. They can see every transaction no matter how small.
2) FINANCE TEAM: We have a team of lay leaders (volunteers) that can view all transactions* and provide feedback to the Elders.
3) THIRD-PARTY BOOKKEEPER: We utilize a 3rd Party Bookkeeper
4) THIRD-PARTY AUDITOR: We utilize a 3rd Party Auditor to review our processes and recommend improvements.
5) THIRD-PARTY COMPENSATION FIRM: We utilize a 3rd Party organization to help us set salaries.
*The Finance Team only sees salaries in aggregate and donations blinded. This means that the Finance Team does not know what any individual donates or earns.
The easiest way to submit your question is to email us at elders@crossbridge.cc or call the office at 281-313-8300 and ask to speak with our Executive Pastor, Diego Armendariz