Join us for Easter services at Crossbridge. 

We are having three services this Easter at special times.

8:30AM, 10:00AM, and 11:30AM

Make plans now to have an amazing Easter...

  • Pray – that God moves powerfully in these services so that people meet Jesus for the first time.

  • Be here - Join us in celebrating our Risen Savior

  • Attend one, Serve one – We need all hands on deck this Easter in order to best serve our friends, families and guests who will be attending. Sign up to let us know where you’d like to help.

  • Invite – Who are you inviting to Easter? Each week look for one person to invite. Invitation cards will be available on Sunday mornings leading to Easter.

Download the Invite Card to share on Social Media: (coming soon)

Invite Front Invite Details (Back)

Invite anyone and everyone to join us as we celebrate the best news ever, Jesus is Risen! It will be an amazing morning for families with baptisms, exciting kids environments and a message of hope.


Take time on Friday, April 18th, between 3:00 & 8:00 pm, to remember, reflect and rejoice in all Jesus did for us at the cross this Good Friday with our Stations of the Cross walkthrough experience. This is a come and go personal walkthrough of different aspects of what Jesus went through for us in paying for our sins.

Depending on your personal pace the walkthrough will take approximately 30 minutes.

As the Stations of the Cross may be difficult to navigate with younger children, childcare will be available between 4 - 6 pm. To utilize childcare, please reserve your time slot in advance.

Walk-through guides will be available for adults and children to help you get the most out of your time.